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Resident Permit


Important Note : Foreigners are unable to apply for and be granted a Resident Permit unless they have first been granted the Visa to Establish Residence, or are granted family reunification as immediate family of a person granted a Resident permit. Foreigners who have been granted that visa may then apply to the Immigration Service in Dili for a Residence Permit.


The applicant must :

  • Possess a Visa to Establish Residence (where applying for the first resident permit)
  • Demonstrate that (s)he does not have a criminal or police record.
  • Be physically present in the country
Additional criteria for grant of Permanent Residence :
  • Must have been a legal resident in the country for at least 12 consecutive years
  • Must not have been sentenced for criminal offences to a prison term(s) that, separately or cumulatively, exceed(s) one year, during the residence period


Temporary Residence

Valid for 2 years from the date of issue, renewable for the same period

Permanent Residence

No time limit to the period of residence

Permit card must be renewed every 5 years


Residence Permit Issuance Fee

Visa and ERP issuance fees pdf thumbnail

Click on the Image to see the fees for the applications

Or click here.

Application Forms

Place of Application

Please note : Resident Permits cannot be applied for or granted on arrival at a border post.

Applications can only be made within Timor Leste
  • Applications must be submitted by persons within the country directly to the Immigration Service in Dili, Timor Leste.

See : Immigration Service contact details.

Place of Grant

Immigration Service in Dili, Timor Leste.

See : Immigration Service contact details.